Locations & Times

A Lesson from King Hezekiah

by Leigh Ann Dilley on November 16, 2023

Do you ever wonder how to apply stories from the Old Testament to current times? The story of King Hezekiah and King Sennacherib may be one of those. You can find this story in Isaiah 36 and 37. To set the stage, King Sennacherib of Assyria had just captured all the fortified cities in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Assyrian army was mighty and nothing could stand in their way. And now, they were set on capturing Jerusalem, where Hezekiah was king. King Sennacherib sends a message through his field commanders to threaten King Hezekiah's palace officials in Jerusalem. They start with this opening statement in Isaiah 36 4b05: "What are you trusting in that makes you so confident? Do you think that mere words can substitute for military skill and strength? Who are you counting on that you have rebelled against me?"

In verse 7, they continue: "Are you trusting in the Lord your God, but isn't He the one who was insulted by Hezekiah? Didn't Hezekiah tear down His shrines and altars and make everyone in Judah and Jerusalem worship only at the altar here in Jerusalem?"

They finish their threat in verse 10 with an outright lie, stating: "What's more, do you think we have invaded your land without the Lord's direction? The Lord himself told us to attack this land and destroy it!"

What's really going on here? A lot of deception, that's what. The relevancy of the story was iconic to what is happening in our own time. It should be noted that Hezekiah was a righteous king. He destroyed idols and tore down the altars of false gods and reformed the people of Israel to only worship Yahweh. According to the tone of the Assyrians' threats, they were either unaware of Jerusalem's one true God or they were intentionally trying to deceive the people of Jerusalem.

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Isaiah told King Hezekiah and his officials in Isaiah 37:5-7,

This is what the Lord says: Do not be disturbed by this blasphemous speech against me from the Assyrian King's messengers. Listen! I myself will move against him."

Nevertheless, King Hezekiah was afraid, and he took all this to prayer before the Lord.

Isaiah then delivered this message from the Lord, which came because King Hezekiah prayed. Prayer is significant, and God likes to answer our prayers. God shares His message through Isaiah that the Assyrian army's threat was against God Himself, not the people or the king of Jerusalem. God decided long ago this would happen and He put it into motion. God was in control. The Assyrian army would not control Jerusalem because God would defend and protect it. That night, an angel of the Lord destroyed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers while the army slept. (paraphrased from Isaiah 37:21-35) King Sennacherib went home and eventually met his own demise as well.

How do we apply this lesson to our lives today?

This kind of deception still happens. All around us, we hear false stories about where people place their trust or confidence. People who don't know God's truth and promises place their trust in lies and false gods. They become fearful, but God has said there is nothing to fear. If we allow God to speak to us today through this passage, we learn that God is in control, and He puts things in motion. He is not surprised by any of our current affairs. Our protection begins with prayer and comes only from the one true God. If we put our trust in political leaders, people in authority, or even ourselves, we will be disappointed. If we rely on our feelings to tell us what is right, trust other people who don't know God, or rely on man-made things for security, they are false gods.

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If you want to be less anxious or have less fear about current affairs, read the word of God, pray, and hear His voice. His words do not change, nor do His promises. This will allow you to distinguish between what is true and what is false when you hear it. Boost your confidence with prayer, remember who God is and what He has done. The Assyrian army recognized God's chosen people were different and asked what made them so confident. May the enemies of our current times recognize the same confidence in us today.

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