by Kiersten Mehl on August 09, 2021
God, Be My Fortress
Lord, God, you are my refuge and strength. You are always with me to give me help when I am in trouble. I will not fear even when my world may seem to fall apart and come to a crashing halt because of bad news. No, I will remember that, though my bad news hurts and tempts me to fear, it is temporary. My true and eternal home is in your holy place where there is no pain or fear, sadness or trouble. No matter what is happening here on Earth, you remain seated on your throne in your kingdom, which will never fall because you are there.
But Lord, God, you are also with us. You do not leave us alone, waiting for eternity. You are present and active now. Nations may be in uproar and kingdoms may fall, but you have proven that you can cause desolation and you can make wars cease. You can calm storms and you can heal. You can provide for the needy and give rest to the weary.
When my world seems to fall apart and come to a crashing halt with bad news, remind me to be still. Remind me that you are God. You are my vindicator. Nothing that comes against me will prevail because you are the one who will bring me justice.
Be my God. Be exalted among the nations and on the Earth. You are the Lord Almighty. Be my fortress not just when there is nowhere else to turn, but always. Let me always rest in the safety and comfort of your loving and gracious arms. Amen.
Listen, Reflect, & Journal
May God's Spirit Guide you this week.