by Kiersten Mehl on August 08, 2021
Pleas for Current Circumstances
Lord, I am devastated by ______________ (insert the details of your situation). Lord, God of Heaven, great and awesome God who is faithful to unfailingly love those who love you and keep your commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to my prayer that I now pray before you unceasingly.
Lord, I confess that I have sinned. I have acted contrary to your commands and have not followed you with my whole heart. I have not let you be the Lord over my whole life and I have not depended on you for every aspect of my life. Forgive me for _________ (insert specific sins for which you seek forgiveness).
I remember that you scattered the Israelites because they were unfaithful to you. But I also remember that you were faithful to keep your promise to gather them back and bring them to the promised land when they turned back to you and repented. I repent God, and I ask you to forgive me for the sins I have committed.
As your servant and your child, whom you have redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand, I call out to you to hear my prayer. Please grant me mercy, God, and see me through this situation I lift up to you.
Help me to live in light of eternity, knowing that my present sufferings are temporary. Help me to stay focused on the hope of the glory that is yet to be revealed. Amen.
Listen, Reflect, & Journal
By God's grace, have a great day.