by Kiersten Mehl on August 30, 2021
A Prayer for You
Based on Philippians 1:3-11
Lord, I thank you for this sister who has completed this prayer guide. It brings me so much joy to know that she seeks you and desires your will for her life. I know over these last several weeks that you have blessed her for the time she has devoted to spending with you. I know that you are working in her life in response to the petitions she has laid before you. I also know that you have laid on her heart knowledge about you, truths about who she is, and wisdom for her future. I am confident that you will be faithful to complete the good work that you have begun in her heart and in her life.
I pray that you would continue to draw this sister of mine to you on a regular basis through prayer, so that your love for her will become more and more evident to her, that she will know how deeply you love her, and that she will see how your love cares about her and always work for her good. May the love she has felt throughout these last weeks spending time with you flow out of her so that others are cared for and others can see your loving kindness through the love she gives to them.
Continue to give her wisdom to discern what is good and what is best. Continue to guide her toward good choices with her actions so she can be pure and blameless on the day she faces you. Live through her, so her life may bear the fruit of righteousness, which gives you glory and praise.
May this not be the end of a season of prayer for this sister, but let it be the beginning of a life spent in prayer, seeking you and your will. Be with my sister always. Draw her to you and bless her with your presence. May she trade in her life for the abundant life promised to all who live for you, God. Thank you that you have adopted us as your children and given us the inheritance of your kingdom. May we forever be connected because of the grace given to us by your Son, Jesus Christ, by whose name we pray. To you be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Thank you!
Thank you for praying with me. I hope these scriptures and prayers have been meaningful to you. I invite you to continue to seek God's will through Bible study. Starting in September, you can join me at the Windsor campus on Monday evenings or Thursday mornings as we study the book of Hebrews. There are also many great options being offered through the Fort Collins campus. Check out our website for a list of each of the studies. If you are not local to this area, I encourage you to seek out a women's Bible study at a church in your local area, or reach out to me for other recommendations. God bless each of you!