by Kiersten Mehl on August 28, 2021
Compassion for the Lost
You came to teach and to heal. You had compassion on the helpless. You helped your disciples see the lost among the crowds. You warned them that there was a plentiful harvest of people who needed to hear the good news of your grace, but there were few workers available to share the good news and seek salvation for the lost. The same is true today.
The world is still full of people hiding their shame, ignoring their pain, hoping someone will see them when they’ve been neglected or abused, wanting others to help them in their hunger. And there are too few people caring for their needs or leading them to your salvation. I confess that I too often fail to work your harvest.
Help me so I may have your eyes to see the things I turn away from. Show me how to love your children. Use me to comfort the broken-hearted. Help me to give value to those who think they’ve been forgotten. Give me your compassion on those who think they are alone. Use me to help all such people realize that they are made in your image and you love them.
You’ve told us to bring petitions for all people to you. So I pray not just for those I love, but for all who are lost and hurting, lonely and sick, confused and broken. May each of these people find peace, hope, love, comfort, and wholeness by first finding you.
With your compassion, may I not only continually pray for those I now see, but also like Isaiah, use me to proclaim the good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted and free the captives to live in your light. Amen.
Listen, Reflect & Pray
If you're feeling alone, forgotten, or brokenhearted today, tell God how you feel. He sees you and understands. If you are neglected, abused or in danger, speak up and reach out for help.