by Kiersten Mehl on August 24, 2021
Strength for the Weary
Father, God, day after day there seems to be a never-ending burden weighing me down. I am tired. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my head up and keep taking steps forward. The to-do list grows. The calendar continues to fill. The expectations others have of me seem unattainable. The demands my family and my job place on me leave me exhausted.
I want to complain. I want to demand relief. Then I am reminded of your grace that allows me to look to you for rest. You are the one with the power to restore my soul because you are the only one who will never tire or grow weary. My endurance and ability are limited, but You are everlasting.
I am weary. Please keep your promise and give me strength.
I am weak. Please increase the power within me as you said you would do.
I will hope in you, God. I will wait for you, God. Renew my strength.
Let me experience what it feels like to soar on wings like eagles, to run and not grow weary, to walk and not be faint.
Forgive me when I think you don’t see me or accuse you of not caring about the struggles I experience each day. Adjust my perspective. Clear my mind so I can see beyond my tunnel vision. Give me a glimpse of your bigger-picture and your longer-term plans for me.
Guide me and give me wisdom to correct my priorities so I don’t become overwhelmed by living up to demands and expectations that aren’t from you. Make me lie down in green pastures and lead me beside quiet waters. Refresh my soul. Amen.
Listen, Reflect & Journal
Go find a green pasture or quiet waters to rest beside, or relax and watch the eagles soar.