by Kiersten Mehl on August 23, 2021
Lord, forgive me.
Please hear my prayers. I don’t deserve your love and compassion, but, Lord, I am so grateful for them. Please continue to forgive my sins. I try so hard to act in a way that pleases you, but I too often fail. I am not slow to anger or patient with others. I too often believe I can do things myself or that I have created my own success when the truth is I am nothing without you. God, you are faithful and you come to my help often when I don’t ask and always when I don’t deserve it. Thank you, God.
I need you.
I am at a loss right now. I am discouraged. I remember when I felt strong and confident, but today I am weak and unsure. Help me to remember how you have always helped me through these times in the past. Help me to remember all the amazing things you have done in Biblical times and in current times. Help me to remember to put my faith in you rather than in myself or those around me. Help me to remember that anything is possible for you and that you have done the impossible before. I need you, God. Please hear me and respond. Please let me feel your presence so I may know that you are with me. Remind me of your unfailing love for me.
I surrender to you.
I trust you, God. Show me the way that I should go. Teach me to do your will. I surrender my will and my desires to you for you are my God. May your good Spirit lead me. My attempts to control my life have not always gone well, so I entrust my life and my circumstances to you. For your glory, God, use me to serve you and your purposes.
Rescue me.
Give me strength to do your will. Rescue me from my negative self-talk. Protect me from those who would seek to hurt me. Bring me out of this trouble that I face. I turn to you, who are capable, because you are my refuge. God, you are faithful. Thank you! Amen.
Listen, Reflect & Journal
God bless you who are poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is yours.