by Kiersten Mehl on August 22, 2021
Filled with Hope
Thank you for your written word that teaches me about you and what you want from me. Thank you for the encouragement of your words and the hope that your scriptures give me. Thank you for accepting me even though I did not deserve it.
I will praise you to all people. I will sing praises to your name. I rejoice in you, and, again I will praise you, Lord. May all people lift your name high. Thank you that I can trust in you, God of all Hope. Thank you that you fill me with joy and peace and overflowing hope by the power of your Holy Spirit.
You suffered for my sake and you understand my suffering. You fulfilled all the promises made to your people. You deserve my praise because of the mercy you have shown me. You are the Root of Jesse who was foretold would spring up to rule over the nations. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Forgive me for not seeing your children the way you see them with love and acceptance. Forgive me for not always praising you with a grateful heart for the mercy you have shown me. Forgive me for looking to myself and others to solve my problems and for being overcome in despair when I cannot solve my problems. Forgive me for not trusting you.
Help me to look beyond myself so I can see others who need me to care for them. Help me to see your people with love and acceptance the way you see them. Right now, I need to trust you, but, Lord, I need your help and your reminders that you are faithful and trustworthy. Help me trust in you always so that I might have peace. Give me back my joy even in the midst of this pain. May you overflow me with hope by the power of your Holy Spirit because I don’t have the power on my own to turn these tears and this worry into hope. In Jesus name, amen.
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Remember Jesus is your reason to rest in hope and joy today!