by Kiersten Mehl on August 19, 2021
Saying "No" to Ungodliness
Heavenly Father, you have not simply told us what is good and right for our thoughts and actions, but you sent your son to show us how to live according to your righteousness. Thank you for giving us that example.
Not only was he an example of righteous living, but he was the sacrificial lamb who died for us so that, when we fail to meet the standard he modeled, we will not face death. Thank you for that sacrifice and for your grace.
I know I could never completely model your righteousness as Christ did, but here, in Titus 2, you call me to live in a way that teaches and models your ways to anyone who follows after me. Give me the strength and courage to boldly live as the woman you’ve called me to be.
May I get to know you better so I will properly revere you in all my actions. Help me to hold my tongue, so I may always speak truthfully and not cause anyone unnecessary pain. Give me a heart of kindness that is expressed to all people at all times. Grant me self-control to stop me before I start to act contrary to your will. I have a lot that keeps me busy, so please guide me to the right kind of busyness that serves your purposes.
Lord, I thank you that you have given us things in life to enjoy, but please keep me from becoming addicted to things that can take my mind off of you and can distract me from hearing your voice and doing your will. Alcohol is one of these things that, I pray, you would guide me to know when to avoid it. This could also include watching television or other forms of entertainment, shopping, using my phone, or ... (name areas of temptation that you need to surrender).
Thank you for my family. Please help me to love them and take care of them as you have called me to do. Give me patience with them. Show me how to give them grace in the same way you have shown me grace. Protect our family, God, from anything that would try to tear it apart.
I anxiously wait for your kingdom to come, when all temptation and unrighteousness will be destroyed and we will rejoice forever in your holy presence. Amen.
Listen, Reflect & Journal
How can you model Christ today?