by Kiersten Mehl on August 16, 2021
Prayers for Finances
Father, God, thank you for the ways you have given me wealth and for the work that I am (and/or my spouse is) able to do to earn continued income. I ask you to give me the ability to enjoy the possessions you’ve blessed me with so that I may be happy and satisfied with all I have. Help me to feel fulfilled and take pleasure in the jobs that you’ve provided to meet my financial needs. Such satisfaction would be a great gift!
As I look to the future, I see great financial needs for myself and my family. It’s my nature to want to meet those needs now in order to feel that my future is secure. But you know my needs. You have always been faithful to meet all of my needs. You are unchanging, so I can trust you to continue to meet all of my needs. Through that trust in you, give me the ability to set aside worrying about these things in order to focus on your kingdom, following your will for my life, and giving you glory.
Lord, keep me from the temptation to be greedy. Instead give me a heart of generosity out of love for those whom you love. Guide me to individuals and organizations you’d like me to share my wealth with. Instead of tirelessly striving to acquire large savings or an abundance of possessions, help me to store up treasures in heaven, by letting you use the wealth you’ve given to meet my needs also be used to meet others’ needs.
May I not attempt to serve two masters by letting the laboring needed to achieve financial luxury distract my focus from you. Instead help me to honor and serve you by remaining faithful with my “first-fruits,” the best of my earnings. In your mercy you have given to me and only requested that a small portion be returned for your purposes. You promise to reward such obedience with further blessings. When I am tempted to hold on too tightly and refrain from giving my tithes and offerings, remind me of your faithfulness.
When times of financial difficulty arise, God, remind me to look to you for guidance. Give me wisdom to cut areas of my budget that need to be cut. Reveal to me where my spending may be frivolous. Open doors that would offer opportunities for additional income. Give me courage and humility to ask for advice and assistance. Lead me to those people or places that can help me through such times. Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want, give me the strength to be content in whatever circumstance I face.
I wish to glorify you with the use of the finances you have entrusted to me. Thank you for your abundant blessings and your faithful provision. Amen.
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May God direct your focus on his good and perfect will today.