by Kiersten Mehl on August 13, 2021
Using Spiritual Gifts to Worship
To offer you, Lord, true and proper worship, I give you my body as a living sacrifice. I pray it would be holy and pleasing to you. I will not conform to the patterns of this world, but instead live according to your laws, using my abilities to serve your desires above my own. Transform and renew my mind to focus on you and your good, pleasing, and perfect will for me.
You have given me gifts and talents and passions that have prepared me for tasks you have already called me to and for tasks you will call me to in the future. You have decided to use me to meet certain needs in this world and to bring you glory. Help me to use these gifts for those purposes in humility, never seeking recognition for my abilities and strengths. Let me acknowledge that my contributions are only a small part of the contributions made by your whole church body. Help me to assist and raise up other parts of the body so they may accomplish the works you’ve designed for them.
Give me the courage to use my gifts proudly and generously and to respond to your callings on my life. Teach me to use them to serve others rather than myself. Help me to know my gifts, so I can have confidence in them, knowing they have come from you. Give me opportunities to strengthen my gifts. May your love and grace be displayed when I use my gifts and may they draw others to you.
May all glory and power be yours forever and ever. Amen.
Listen, Reflect & Journal
God made you with wonderful purpose. Go live it!