by Kiersten Mehl on August 11, 2021
Prayers for Wisdom & Righteousness
Lord, help me to receive your words and treasure up your commands. Let my ear be attentive to wisdom and may my heart be inclined to understanding. I call out for insight and raise my voice for understanding. I am seeking you, Lord, so that I may properly fear you and find knowledge in you.
You are the giver of wisdom. I ask for the knowledge and understanding that comes from your mouth. Help me to live in an upright manner so you may store up sound wisdom in me. Help me to walk in integrity so you would be my shield. Guard the paths of justice. Watch over me and give me a desire to seek righteousness, justice and fairness, which is the right path for me to follow. Let wisdom come into my heart. May knowledge be pleasant to my soul. Give me discretion and understanding so I would make good decisions that keep me from the ways of evil and a culture that tempts me to follow its leading rather than obey your commands.
Let me not be deceived by those who rejoice in doing evil and seek only pleasure for themselves. I choose to follow you, God, and ask you to lead me. In your name, amen.
Listen, Reflect & Journal
May God bless your decision making today.