by Kiersten Mehl on August 10, 2021
Cast Away Worry
I praise you, Lord. You are King of all kings, Lord of all lords, my savior, and the One worthy of all my affection and love.
Forgive me, God, for all the times I have worried about things. I have focused my mind’s attention on worrying that everything will be ok. I have wasted time in worrying. My worry has blinded my mind from seeing you. My worry has handicapped my ability to serve you. My worry has caused me to not put my full trust in you.
So now, I am not going to worry about ________________(insert a person or situation you are tempted to worry about).
Instead, I will be thankful for ________________________(insert aspects of the things you worry about that are blessings to you).
I trust you, God. I trust that you know how I feel, that you see what is going on, and that you have a plan. Please surround this situation and these people with your presence, wisdom, protection, and provision. May your will be done.
As I surrender this situation to you, grant me peace. I trust you with this situation and these people rather than trying to control everything on my own. As I give my worries to you and desire your will over my own, I will find peace in my heart and my mind.
Consume my mind with all that is true and noble, right and pure, lovely and admirable, excellent and praiseworthy so there is no room in my mind for thoughts of worry or fear, doubt or anger, or any thoughts that take my mind from you. Let thoughts of all that is good motivate my actions.
Like Paul, help me to learn to be content in any circumstance, knowing that you, God of Peace, are with me and give me strength. Remind me to trust you and trust Paul’s words that you, Lord, will meet all my needs (just like you used the Philippians to meet Paul’s needs) according to the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. I need not worry because you will take care of it. In your all-powerful name.
To you, God, our Father, be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Listen, Reflect, & Journal
Now go take on your day with confidence and assurance that you are in His will.