by Kari Stewart on December 30, 2024
I have a sign on my office wall that states “When we depend on prayer, we get what God can do”. It is a reminder to me that God has indeed gifted me with knowledge and skill that allows me to do my job, but my gifts alone will NOT have the Kingdom impact that I desire. When I submit my gifts, my time, my talent, my treasure to God in prayer – He does more than I could ever imagine.
As I come to the end of the year, I am probably like you in that I am thinking over the highlights, the low lights, the what I could have done better, and the “Wow, I can’t believe that happened” moments of the year.
Recently, Pastor Donny asked me what scripture was making an impact in my daily thinking and work and immediately Matthew 2:10-11 came to mind as I was struck by the Wisemen responding with “exceedingly great joy” at the site of the star announcing the birth of Jesus.
Exceeding great joy!!! What would it look like for me to respond to God with exceeding great joy in 2025? Our responses to each other and to God are important and it will take discipline and intentionality for me to move closer to this type of response.
I want to invite you to join Timberline Staff and Timberline Church attendees in a 7 Day Prayer and Fasting Journey from January 2 – January 8. We will conclude our time of Prayer & Fasting with a Night of Praise & Worship on Wednesday, January 8, 6:45pm, South Auditorium.
Fasting is a personal step of obedience. What you fast from is between you and God. A spiritual fast is abstaining from something for a period of time for the purpose of drawing near to God. If your fast means something to you, it will mean something to God. If you have never fasted before and would like to discuss in person or on the phone, I would be happy to talk with you. You can contact me at my email address below.
Topics that we will cover during our 7 Days together will be: Spiritual Growth, Family, Work, Health, Community, Adventure, Celebration. Each one written by a member of our staff at Timberline Church. I know that you will be blessed as you set aside this time.
I am looking forward in anticipation (truly on the edge of my seat) to what God is going to do through each of us individually and collectively in 2025!!!
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting Link
Praying and fasting with you as we welcome all the days of 2025!
Kari Stewart, Missions and Prayer Pastor