Locations & Times

Election Year Liturgy

May 15, 2024

By Pastors Donny Abbott and Mackenzie Matthews

Amid what is to come in this election season of 2024,
I look to You God.
When my heart quickens with anger or sorrow or fear,
I breathe in. I breathe out.
Your mercies are new every morning.
May I meet them anew, and anew, and anew.
For the current governing leaders, I recognize their service and place them before you.
For those racing to become governing leaders, I recognize their courage and place them before you.
I honor the mantle you have given them Lord. They are only given this leadership by your provision.
Would you give them wisdom, hope, faith and love. May they be instruments of your purposes in this moment.

Many people are yelling, Lord. Pride feels loud, slander seems natural, deception flows, and fear has taken over.
Where the evil one divides, Lord unify.
Where the evil one lies, Lord bring truth.
Where the evil one destroys, Lord redeem and renew.
It is in you I place my allegiance. Your Kingdom is the one that does not expire.
Stir my longing for your Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
Thy will be done. YES! It will be! And I trust that it IS being done. Even now. Even when I can’t seem to find it.
Increase my hope, fill it up to the brim. Spill it over from my life everywhere I go.

Amidst the rancor that is punctuated by drowning out the voices of others
May I be quick to listen and slow to speak today.
Amidst turmoil and confusion
May I hunger and thirst for righteousness today.
Amidst a culture that seeks to find the worst in people
May I be pure in heart today.
Amidst fighting and turmoil
May I be a maker of peace today.
Align my heart again with yours.
Help me to love my neighbor well.
Remind me of your great faithfulness.

In the face of uncertain times,
I surrender myself to you,
the author and object of all my truest hopes.

Timberline is hosting an Election Day Communion on Tuesday, November 5. The focus is on unity, peace, and surrender to God's reign, regardless of the political outcome. For more information, click here

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