Women's Ministry - Hospitality Team
Fort Collins
Duties include helping us prepare to serve women who come to our larger events, generate ideas on decorations, food to serve, how to engage women in the event, organize door prizes, necessary, shop for the event, decorate and set up the tables for each event. You do not need to cook, but minor food preparation may be necessary, and you must be able to place a food order.
The time commitment would be: 2 hours for planning and shopping for each event and 2 hours of set up and tear down for each event.
If you are passionate about creating and sharing ideas and skills to create an inviting atmosphere for events, this position is for you!
Enjoyment of people and ability to cast a vision of what would make women feel welcome and appreciated are special skills for this position.
Special requirements include a driver’s license to shop for events, an able body to decorate when required and ability to lift and transport groceries or food.
Not Sure Where to Serve?
We would be honored to connect and help you explore the right area to serve. We have personal Ministry Guides who will journey with you to help you find your sweet spot of service.
Unpack your God-given S.H.A.P.E.
- Who are you?
- Who has God made you to be?
- How has He shaped you, and why has He shaped your life that way?
Here at Timberline Church, it is our firm conviction that a call to serve is inherent in the invitation to follow Jesus. Understanding who God made you to be, will help you discover what He's called you to do. Take the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment below to start the journey!