Foster Friendly Business Ambassador
Adult, NoCo Community
Fort Collins, Windsor, Fort Collins Downtown - Ascent Project
Foster families can go from two kids at the dinner table to five around the breakfast table - a transition that starts with a late-night phone call, followed by scared, sleepy kids showing up on the doorstep, and foster parents who will say "Yes," to setting aside comfort and routine for a while to stand in the gap with vulnerable kids.
Sadly, nationwide nearly half of foster parents who go through the effort to become certified stop fostering within the first year, often due to a lack of social support. This is why we need the support of the entire community to support these families standing in the gap for these kids and the kids in foster care.
The time commitment for this position is 2 - 4 hours a month on your own time.
We are looking for people who have passion for our mission, are bold and outgoing, are comfortable networking with potential business partners, and are professional.
Skills needed for this position are: Strong communication and good organizational skills.
Not Sure Where to Serve?
We would be honored to connect and help you explore the right area to serve. We have personal Ministry Guides who will journey with you to help you find your sweet spot of service.
Unpack your God-given S.H.A.P.E.
- Who are you?
- Who has God made you to be?
- How has He shaped you, and why has He shaped your life that way?
Here at Timberline Church, it is our firm conviction that a call to serve is inherent in the invitation to follow Jesus. Understanding who God made you to be, will help you discover what He's called you to do. Take the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment below to start the journey!