KindConnect Delivery Team
NoCo Community
Fort Collins
For this position, delivery volunteers get the gently used household donated items from the donors and then get them delivered to the family in need. The volunteer will contact the donor to coordinate a pickup time and also contact the recipient and coordinate a drop off time.
The hours for this position are fairly flexible and may be scheduled on your time. We ask that volunteers complete 3 – 4 deliveries per month.
This position is looking for a volunteer who is passionate to help the youth in our community who have been abused, neglected or at-risk. This could be a youth who was just removed from a situation and is now in need of a bed in their foster home. Or a parent and their children who just escaped a violent situation with just the clothes on their backs and are now being re-housed but have nothing to start anew. There are many other situations in between.
Skills for this position include the ability to work on a computer, comfortable speaking on the phone and in person to people. A truck or large SUV is helpful, but not required. There are small and large household items that need to be delivered.
A background check and short training are required for this position. May work in teams if both people are background checked.
Not Sure Where to Serve?
We would be honored to connect and help you explore the right area to serve. We have personal Ministry Guides who will journey with you to help you find your sweet spot of service.
Unpack your God-given S.H.A.P.E.
- Who are you?
- Who has God made you to be?
- How has He shaped you, and why has He shaped your life that way?
Here at Timberline Church, it is our firm conviction that a call to serve is inherent in the invitation to follow Jesus. Understanding who God made you to be, will help you discover what He's called you to do. Take the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment below to start the journey!