Locations & Times

How We Change: Practice

Series: How We Change

January 16, 2022 | Jeff Lucas

Hi everyone, and a huge welcome - thank you so much for being part of our online community!

Here’s a big question - how do we change? We’ve just navigated our way through the New Year season, traditionally a time when we look at our lives and consider what changes we might need to make. In this weekend’s message, Pastor Jeff considers the question - how is change different for the Christian? Is change just about making the right choices and resolving to do better, or is there help at hand that is beyond ourselves? What role do we have in helping change happen in our lives?

Join Pastor Jeff in this first message in our new series, "How we change: practicing the way of Jesus".

Follow Along with the Message

How We Change: Practicing the Way of Jesus


  1. We are all being  daily - consciously or unconsciously
  2. For the Christian, the primary agent of change in our lives is the
  3. 3. The Holy Spirit’s  - to make us more like
  4. The result will be  change, not just people who make good
  5. As we choose spiritual practices, we  with God
  6. We grow together, in  and relationships
  7. Changed lives change the  


Series Information

‘How We Change’ is to focus on the way of Jesus. If you catch this, you catch this series (and if we miss this, we miss the series). Focusing on the way of Jesus keeps our spiritual practices vibrant and relational (and keeps us from a focus on the practices themselves which will turn stale and legalistic. Focus on the way of Jesus – that’s where the life and vibrancy and flourishing is found.

Other sermons in the series

How We Change: Celebration

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