by Abi Walker on September 03, 2024
Timberline Family, I am truly blessed to share about short-term missions and the impact it has had in my life. From the time I was nine years old to now, twenty-one years old, I have been blessed with several opportunities to travel this world doing what I like to call Kingdom Work. I truly believe as Christians we each have a God given responsibility in missions which is given to us through the Great Commission in Matthew.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV).
“Not here I am, but there you are.”
When I was gearing up to head on my second mission trip with Timberline church, I was very nervous and did not want to go. Why? Because I would have to go out of my comfort zone. I had to spend a week of my summer without my friends. I was uncomfortable. One of the last things I remember hearing before I flew out was, “Not here I am, but there you are.” What does this mean? Short term missions is not about you. It is about God doing work within and through you to serve people where they are - whether it's physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. We are being called to put aside our wants, work, school, and free time to serve those who desperately desire to be seen by YOU and by GOD.
With this, the “I” statements I was thinking as I was getting ready to leave for my short-term trip became “I get to” statements. I get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I get the opportunity to take a week off of work and school to see and serve God’s people.
God wants you ALONE!
In 2023, when short-term mission trip locations had been released, I saw they were going to Guatemala in July of 2024 where I went on my very first trip twelve years ago. I knew I had to jump on this amazing opportunity to return to the place where I fell in love with missions. As planning for the trip was in full swing and we were about six weeks away from leaving, I began to question my decision to go. One Sunday after church I walked out to the parking lot with my dad and he asked if I was excited about the trip. I said no. This came as such a shock to my dad because he knew my love for missions and he knew the excitement I felt before each of the six trips I had been on. He wanted to know why and of course I came up with every excuse possible. He hugged me and said, “Abi, sometimes God needs to just get you alone.” And my dad was right.
The Lord wanted time with me and just me. He needed me to get away from distractions and the busyness of everyday life here at home to get my attention. With every mission trip I have been on, I have felt the closeness of the Lord in a way that is unexplainable and indescribable. Sometimes the Lord needs us to focus on one thing: Him. Missions truly forces you to put your focus back on Him. After every trip I come home with my heart full of God's goodness. I come home with a renewed spirit and open eyes to seek the Lord in new and deeper ways.
In short-term missions, we are sent by God to plant seeds that will one day grow and prosper. Without short-term trips some seeds may never be planted. We are ALL called to fulfill our responsibility whether it's locally, nationally, or globally. Join me, join Timberline, and join other brothers and sisters in Christ in short-term missions.
With love,
Abi Walker