Locations & Times

NoCo Community Opportunities

by Missions Team on March 16, 2021

Do you like to talk to people? Or maybe you prefer organizing and counting inventory? Are you up for packing or passing out care kits to families? Timberline has two great ways for you to serve the community of northern Colorado through our NoCo Community opportunities.

Every third Saturday of each month, Timberline partners up with people like you, or organizations like you’re a part of, to assist with tangible projects for local families, individuals, ministries or businesses.

 Projects can include yard work, cleaning, painting, small building projects, or whatever anyone may need. So far this year, we have assisted the local food bank and built planter boxes for Habitat for Humanity. We have one simple goal: to serve our community in very real ways. Plus we do it all in one day.

 We would love for you to be the hands and feet for our projects. But, we also need you to be the eyes for those in our community who have needs we can fulfill.

 If you know of someone who has a need, please nominate them here: https://timberlinechurch.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/1640/responses/new

 If you would like to sign up for some of our upcoming NoCo Community projects, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094baca92aa7fd0-noco2


In addition to serving our community with action, we have launched a new way to connect with individuals through NoCo Community Care Kits. Four times per year we would like to partner with volunteers to help pack up and distribute food donations to give to northern Colorado families.


Right now, we are working toward our Easter care kit opportunity. For the next three weekends, we will gather donations of pasta, sauce, yams, green beans, fried onions and cream of mushroom soups, stuffing, cornbread mixes, gravy mixes, instant potatoes, rice, beans, mac and cheese, plus brownie or cake mixes with frosting.

 Eventually, Timberline will marry each of these care kit opportunities with connection events intended to bring our community together. Would you like to help with donations, inventory, sorting, packing or even drive-through pick up?


To volunteer for the Easter event, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094baca92aa7fd0-noco3

 To buy food for the Easter event, follow this link:


Or you may drop off any of the items listed above to the church foyer between now and March 28th.

 We also need you to connect Timberline to those people who might need a little help right now. If you know of someone who could benefit from a NoCo Community Care Kit, please contact Jacque Gowing: .



Tags: community, easter, outreach, give, missions, giving, serving, help, serve, helping, local, colorado, weld, fort collins, northern colorado, windsor, noco, larimer

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