Locations & Times

How Far Will You Go?

by Madelynn Keselburg on April 01, 2023

“Now an Angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza…And he rose and went…” Acts 8:26-27

It is so fascinating to me how the Holy Spirit called Philip to go South, and his response wasn’t grumbling or asking why. What did he do? He rose and went.

I was in Papua New Guinea for a mid-term missions trip. My team was in a village right outside the capital, Port Moresby. But it was far from my view of a capital city, houses were spread far and wide. Each morning we would wake up bright and early before the sun became unbearable and would go house to house connecting with them and ending our time praying over their family. One particular morning I woke up and I was tired. Tired of the constant beating sun, no running water, and minimal food choices. I questioned, “why God, why am I here?” My team leader told us we had to walk two miles to a house on the outskirts of the village. I was so upset that we had to walk that far. I asked myself, “How important is this one home? I begrudgingly walked those two miles at 6:30am with sweat rolling down my forehead. We finally arrived at this home tucked away in the tangled branches of a group of trees and met a couple and they began sharing their story. The husband was partially blind, and the wife was heavily burdened with guilt. We ended our time in prayer as we always do, and the Holy Spirit fell upon this home.  A home that I believed was too far or too hard to get to, God saw them. God restored the husband’s sight, and the wife was released from her guilt. The Holy Spirit wanted to heal that family, and He did. I began to ask myself, what if we didn’t go? How far am I even willing to go? Two miles, maybe five miles, or across the World?

In Acts 8, the Holy Spirit wanted Philip to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to the eunuch traveling home from Jerusalem, and He did. Acts 8:38, “…they went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch and, and he baptized him.” God wants to use His children to share his Good News, His love, and to bring His lost sheep home. Are you willing? How far are you willing to go?

Tags: church, global missions, business, missionaries, unreached, mission trips, local missions, church missions, mission opportunities, medical mission, short term mission trips, group mission trips, missionary trips, churches near me, church near me, church mission trips, timberline church, business as missions, gospel access, reaching the nations, missionary mission, missions nursing mission trips, timberline church fort collins, timberline windsor, youth mission trips affordable, christian mission trips, church ft collins, church trips, dental mission trips, mission trips for young adults, mission trips for youth groups, mission trips near me, mission trips near me, mission trips to africa, mission volunteer trips, mission trips christian, mission trips for adults, mission trips for college students, mission trips for high school students, mission trips for nurses, family mission trips, fort collins churches, medical mission trips, mission global, missions and business

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