There is always more room at the Timberline table, so we hope you find a group that speaks to you.
Use the search bar below to explore our small groups.
Small Groups
20s30s: Coed Small Group Thursdays
Here's a great place to get connected if you're new! We meet on Thursdays in the Timberline Student Center from 7pm-8pm. On the first Thursday of the month, we don't meet as a small group, but attend the 20s30s large group gathering.
Group Details20s30s: FIRST THURSDAY
We meet on the first Thursday of the month in a large group and have various small groups that happen weekly all around the city. A typical large group gathering will have dinner for the first half and a Jesus-centered message for the second half. It's a great place to come meet new people and we'd love to have you! We meet in the student center, which is on the north east side of the building. It's helpful to park by the playground and walk in the main entrance from there- you can't miss us that way! We have a pretty diverse group- married people, single people, single parents and young families, adults with disabilities, young professionals and grad students.
Group Details55+ Primetimers
The Primetimers are people who are ages 55+ and enjoy celebrating life. We are an active group with potlucks, ladies day out, day trips and many other activites. We have a table in the mall area each weekend, so if you'd like additional information, please stop by.
Group DetailsAnderson's Small Group
This group is led by Greg and Paula Anderson and is open to anyone! They don't care about age, gender, relationship status, etc. At the break of their last small group, the age ranges in the group were 30's to late 70's. This group dives deeper into the weekend's message using the Timberline Small Group Discussion Guides and has no homework. If you are interested in this group you may email them at .
Group DetailsBetrayal & Beyond
Betrayal & Beyond Small Group desires to help bring healing to women who have experienced betrayal and broken trust through their spouse's struggle with pornography and sexual addiction.
Group DetailsBoys Club Windsor 2023-24
The goal of Boys Club is to transform the lives of boys using the tools of fun and adventure, building character and leaders along the way.
BROTHERHOOD is a group of men ages 20-30 meeting weekly from September-May. The heart behind this group is that you'll get connected to a community of people that you can do life with, support each other, and grow together in your relationship with Jesus. Mondays 6-7:30PM Timberline Church, room 211.
Group DetailsCraft Night
If you like to craft, we have the perfect interest group for you! Do you knit, crochet, hand quilt or do needle point? Maybe you're a yarn spinner, jewelry maker, scrap booker or card maker? Into fly tying, sketching or coloring? Meet others with the same passion for your craft. Want to learn or share your experience and teach? Please reach out and we'll do our best to get you connected. All ages and genders are welcome. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, room 208. EMAIL: TXT or LVE MSG 970-227-0865
Group DetailsDaniel & Rebecca Alvarez Small Group
Dementia Care Partners - Support Group
This group meets to help provide support, events, and resources to care partners and their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's or Dementia. Memory Café meets the 3rd Thursday of each month in the South Auditorium at 9 a.m. Care Partners Support Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in room 214 at 10 a.m.
Group DetailsFamilies in Transition SG
Moving into a new community, adult children leaving the home or heading that direction, other life changing events
Group DetailsFinancial Peace University
Make the choice today to have a plan for your money. Pay off your debt, live debt-free, and build a whole new future, for yourself, and for your family! Right now is your time to set goals and stay with them. You will be supplied with the tools to take control of your money and your financial life. You can do it! This life changing 9-week series will be held in room 211. The cost of the class is $75 per family. Please make check payable to Timberline Church or bring exact cash amount to the Orientation class. Childcare is provided for ages 12 and younger. Click the "JOIN" button below to get details on dates and times of the class. Learn More
Group DetailsFoodie Group
This is a group for those interested in learning and experiencing new ways of cooking, eating differently and experiencing a new exciting Foodie World. Healthy, delicious meals will be experienced with cooking techniques and locally sourced meat and vegetables. The overall concept is to fellowship together and celebrate around God's incredible bounty. Using our Lord, Jesus as our example, we'll learn new ways of giving to one another and sharing our experiences with Biblical Hospitality. Led by Chef Linda Orcutt We meet once a month on Tuesday nights 6:00p.m. to 8:30p.m. at our farm to Table Venue in Windsor, CO or occasionally at Timberline Church in Fort Collins. We'd love to have you join us!
Group DetailsFoundations of Practical Christian Living
Would you, as a Christian mentor or new believer, want to deepen your walk to ensure you have the knowledge to walk with God the rest of your life and help others along the way? This 9-week hands-on Bible study equips you to live and communicate a victorious life both now and over the decades. We will cover 4 areas: Confidence of what Christ has done, Acceptance of His daily love & forgiveness, Empowerment by His Spirit moment by moment, and Development and maturity over your lifetime. Material, from Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), provided at no cost. For participants 16+.
Group DetailsGirls Club Windsor 2023-24
Girls Club is about intentional outreach and Christian discipleship for girls, where they are empowered to realize their importance and potential in the kingdom of God.
Group Details