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Missions - One Day Giving Weekend

One Day on-line Giving

Each year we extend an invitation to those who attend Timberline to prayerfully consider giving one-day of their annual income to support our partner agencies that stand in the gap with those experiencing food disparity and natural disasters.

When a natural disaster happens globally Convoy of Hope is on the ground within a few days providing much needed relief items such as water, food, personal hygiene products, baby care items and much more.

When a national and local natural disaster happens Convoy of Hope and Serve 6.8 partner together to serve those in need. We are truly blessed to partner with organizations that can be present almost immediately to provided much needed care to individuals impacted and to churches near the area impacted as they will be there for the long haul of crisis response and care.

Food disparity is a crisis around the world and right here in our community. The rising cost of living in Northern Colorado has made it hard for individuals and families to make ends meet. Our partner at Serve 6.8 provide food (shelf stable, produce and refrigerated) to people in need every day!

Thank you for giving through our One Day Offering! You can give on-line or write a check with One Day in the memo line.

When a natural disaster occurs, or a family is experiencing food disparity your “One Day” will impact their everyday.

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